Chalchiuhtlicue (S01D01)
- Name
- Chalchiuhtlicue
- Number
- S01D01
- Release
- Demo (Set 01)
- Pantheon
- Races
- Goddess Deity
- Type
- Entity
- Element
- Attack
- Defense
- Power
- Image
- Artist unknown, photo by FA2010 / Wikimedia Commons.
- Ability
- Purifying Flood
- When this goddess is invoked, she may choose an opposing entity to make a defense roll. If that roll is less than 11, that entity is defeated.
- Flavor
- Chalchiuhtlicue released 52 years of rain, destroying the old world and making way for the current one.
- Learn More
- Copyright
- © 2016-2024 Eric Woodward